Dr. iur. Philipp Meier Schleich has become a partner with LANTER in 2018. During his years working within the court system and as an attorney-at-law, he has gained extensive experience covering not only business law, international matters as well as complex contracts and disputes, but also private clients issues.

He is advising and representing corporations, institutions and private clients in the areas of business law and within areas of law such as employment law, contract law, inheritance law, matrimonial law and the law of nonmarital cohabitation as well as foundation law. He focuses also on the dispute resolution within these areas.

2018 Attorney-at-law and partner with LANTER
2018 University of Zurich (Dr. iur., magna cum laude)
2017 Partner with a small-sized law firm in Zurich
2008 Attorney-at-law with a large law firm in Zurich
2007 Associate Deputy Judge (Nebenamtlicher Ersatzrichter) at a District Court in the Canton of Zurich
2007 Admitted to the Zurich Bar (admitted to all Swiss courts)
2004 Law clerk at a District Court in the Canton of Zurich
2004 University of Zurich (lic. iur., magna cum laude)
2001 Keele University, England (Erasmus Studies Year)
1998 University of Zurich (History and Philosophy)



Business Law
Employment Law
Dispute Resolution
Contract Law
Estate and Succession Planning
Matrimonial Law
Law of Nonmarital Cohabitation
Foundation Law


Option und Optionsvertrag – Vertragsherbeiführende Optionsrechte aus schuldrechtlicher Sicht (Doctoral Thesis, Zurich, 2018)
Big Brother bleibt draussen, HR Today 07-08/2018
«Bogenkarriere»: Schöner Bogen oder krummes Ding?, HR Today 04/2018
Personalverleih im Konzern: Neue Weisung, neues Recht?, HR Today 12/2017
Hürden bei der Kündigung älterer Arbeitnehmer, HR Today 09/2017
Ferienprozente – Vermeidbares Risiko, HR Today 05/2017
Commentary of the Article 55 of the Civil Code and of the Articles 916-920 of the Code of Obliga-tions, in: Fischer/Luterbacher (Eds.) Haftpflichtkommentar – Kommentar zu den schweizerischen Haftpflichtbestimmungen, Zurich/St. Gallen 2016
Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, in: Geisinger/Voser/Petti (Hg.), International Arbitration in Switzerland: A Handbook for Practitioners, 2. A. 2013 (as a co-author with Martin Bernet)
Stellenbewerber «durchleuchten» – rechtlich nur beschränkt zulässig, HR Today 05/2015
Arbeiten trotz Krankheit – was das Recht dazu sagt, HR Today 06/2015
Bonus – Motivationsinstrument mit Konfliktpotential, HR Today 11/2014
Vorsicht beim Umgang mit Personaldossiers, HR Today 07/2014
Stolpersteine bei der ordentlichen Kündigung, HR Today 04/2014
Rückzieher mit Folgen, HR Today 11/2013