“Do the right thing” – Compliance is the observance of laws, regulations and internal corporate rules of conduct and represents an organizational concept. The growing expectations of different stakeholders (regulators, investors, business partners, employees, the public) on the behavior with integrity of organizations, be they private market participants, NGOs or other organizations, and the enormous potential for damage as a result of compliance violations today make compliance one of the central tasks and responsibilities of a company’s governing bodies.
We support companies and their governing bodies in the creation, assessment and further development of compliance management systems in various legal areas such as antitrust compliance, trade compliance (export control and sanctions), data protection compliance, anti-corruption compliance and anti-money laundering compliance. This includes, among other things, compliance risk analyses, development of guidelines and processes, training, support in controlling and conducting due diligence, internal compliance investigations, and consulting with regard to root cause analysis and necessary corrective measures. An effective and efficient compliance management system is aimed at preventing, detecting and remedying misconduct and avoiding practices that may expose companies and their employees to criminal prosecution, regulatory action and civil liability. In addition, we represent our clients before courts and administrative authorities.
LANTER Attorneys & Tax Advisors was ranked as one of the top Swiss law firms in compliance in 2021 by Bilanz and Le Temps magazines.